Monday, December 8, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Feature: Comments on the Cabinet...
I've decided to add a new feature. As President - Elect Barack Obama begins to name the members of his new cabinet, the choices he makes will define the tone for his term in office. Rahm Emanuel has agreed to take the position of Chief of Staff.
Emanuel has been a notable member of the Democratic Party for a number of years. As a Representative of the 5th district of Illinois, his constituents are those of Chicago's North side neighborhoods.
He is known to occasionally display a temper, amd this tendency has led his colligues to occasionally call him Rahm-bo. but bookended against the calm cool collected demeanor of Barack Obama this is definitely a choice that is guaranteed to keep people talking
Emanuel has been a notable member of the Democratic Party for a number of years. As a Representative of the 5th district of Illinois, his constituents are those of Chicago's North side neighborhoods.
He is known to occasionally display a temper, amd this tendency has led his colligues to occasionally call him Rahm-bo. but bookended against the calm cool collected demeanor of Barack Obama this is definitely a choice that is guaranteed to keep people talking
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Blog About Stuff...
Like conflict of interest in the media. A fellow classmate and Journalism major has addad a new feature to his blog. The Uh OH files addresses pertinent issues within the realm of mass media. I do follow his blog, and I have also posted a comment regarding his views on conflict of interest. Be sure to take a look at:
Pleasing the Palettes of the Pundits...
I should have gotten this link up in time for those of you looking. for new recipe ideas to serve at your election night parties. Sorry about that! Visit
I like to downshift by spending time in the kitchen. I think there are menu ideas here to satisfy even the pickiest poiltical pundit. Here you'll find lots of tasty treats guaranteed to tempt your tastebuds. I love food as much as I do politics. This site is full of great ideas. The most recent recipe posting features seasoned garlic dinner rolls called "Knots from Heaven." I haven't tried them yet, but I plan to soon!
I like to downshift by spending time in the kitchen. I think there are menu ideas here to satisfy even the pickiest poiltical pundit. Here you'll find lots of tasty treats guaranteed to tempt your tastebuds. I love food as much as I do politics. This site is full of great ideas. The most recent recipe posting features seasoned garlic dinner rolls called "Knots from Heaven." I haven't tried them yet, but I plan to soon!
Congratulations America!
The voters have spoken, and soon President - Elect Obama will take the oath of office and lead our nation into the future. A future that leaves me with a greater sense of hope for and pride in America than at any other time in my adult life. Voter turnout may not have been record breaking, but it was definitely higher than at any time in recent history. No matter which candidate you cast your ballot for, the point is, you did it! Congratulations to all of you who did, and thank you for showing the rest of the world one more reason why American democracy works!!!
I have always been proud of my country, but every once in a while moments occur that remind me why. As I watched the vote totals come in, and the people gathering in celebration around the country, indeed around the world, I couldn't help but think about all that we have gone through to finally get to this place in our history. We fought a civil war over slavery, and it wasn't until a century after it's end that all of our citizens began to finally enjoy the freedoms that their ancestors fought for. As I heard a commentator put it yesterday, "From Gettysburg to Grant park, this country has come a long way!"
Those of you in the "baby boomer" generation should be proud of yourselves and your children. The social movements of the 1960's have finally reached true fruition. Forty years later, Dr. King's dream has become reality. Much has been said of the generation gap in terms of this election. It is true that the young came out in favor of Obama, but issues of age and race were not enough. In order to bring about change, all of us needed to set aside our differences and come together to assure a common victory. If we were not following the paths that our parents showed us, we would not be here today. For our parents were the first ones that helped to show us that difference of skin color, gender, ethnicity, and religion do not dictate who we are. They are only a small part.
I realized that my young niece and nephews are not going to remember this election. Two of them are just turning 4 and one is only a few months old. They will never remember a time when it was not possible for a black man to be the president of the United States. They can grow up knowing that they will truly be able to be anything they want to be! Ask yourself about the kind of world you want to leave for your children, and work to make it a reality as our parents have done for us. Most of all, stay informed and involved cast a ballot in every election because they are all important! Congratulations America! We have indeed come a very long way!!
I have always been proud of my country, but every once in a while moments occur that remind me why. As I watched the vote totals come in, and the people gathering in celebration around the country, indeed around the world, I couldn't help but think about all that we have gone through to finally get to this place in our history. We fought a civil war over slavery, and it wasn't until a century after it's end that all of our citizens began to finally enjoy the freedoms that their ancestors fought for. As I heard a commentator put it yesterday, "From Gettysburg to Grant park, this country has come a long way!"
Those of you in the "baby boomer" generation should be proud of yourselves and your children. The social movements of the 1960's have finally reached true fruition. Forty years later, Dr. King's dream has become reality. Much has been said of the generation gap in terms of this election. It is true that the young came out in favor of Obama, but issues of age and race were not enough. In order to bring about change, all of us needed to set aside our differences and come together to assure a common victory. If we were not following the paths that our parents showed us, we would not be here today. For our parents were the first ones that helped to show us that difference of skin color, gender, ethnicity, and religion do not dictate who we are. They are only a small part.
I realized that my young niece and nephews are not going to remember this election. Two of them are just turning 4 and one is only a few months old. They will never remember a time when it was not possible for a black man to be the president of the United States. They can grow up knowing that they will truly be able to be anything they want to be! Ask yourself about the kind of world you want to leave for your children, and work to make it a reality as our parents have done for us. Most of all, stay informed and involved cast a ballot in every election because they are all important! Congratulations America! We have indeed come a very long way!!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Let Your Voice Be Heard!
A reminder to everyone to VOTE-
Election Day is Tuesday November 8th 2008. This will be a historic election don't miss out on your opportunity to take part! Whether you vote absentee, early, or in person get it done! Remind your friends even go together if you can. That way if you have to wait in line at least you'll have someone to talk to. Give a neighbor a ride if they need one, every vote matters.
Voter ID requirements varry by state, so be sure you're up to date. In Indiana you need a government issued photo ID, and the polls are open from 6am to 6pm Eastern Time. If you don't know where to go, or what documentation is required, call your local voter registration office to find out.
Results here will matter. For the first time in a long time, Indiana is up for grabs, and the national media are paying attention to the outcome. Make the time to make history-
VOTE TUESDAY NOVEMBER 8TH!! Everyone has a stake in the outcome of this electon. Vote like our future as a nation depends on the outcome- IT DOES!
Election Day is Tuesday November 8th 2008. This will be a historic election don't miss out on your opportunity to take part! Whether you vote absentee, early, or in person get it done! Remind your friends even go together if you can. That way if you have to wait in line at least you'll have someone to talk to. Give a neighbor a ride if they need one, every vote matters.
Voter ID requirements varry by state, so be sure you're up to date. In Indiana you need a government issued photo ID, and the polls are open from 6am to 6pm Eastern Time. If you don't know where to go, or what documentation is required, call your local voter registration office to find out.
Results here will matter. For the first time in a long time, Indiana is up for grabs, and the national media are paying attention to the outcome. Make the time to make history-
VOTE TUESDAY NOVEMBER 8TH!! Everyone has a stake in the outcome of this electon. Vote like our future as a nation depends on the outcome- IT DOES!
Pondering Pailn...
The following passage was wrillen by my classmate, Kyle Messick. I believe he makes valid points about the selection of Governor Sarah Palin as Senator John Mc Cain's running mate. The criteria by which the people choose the next U.S. Presidsnt should be based on much more than who we'd like to have a beer with? or which candidate would fare best in a swimsuit competition? As an informed voter I resent that the bar has been paced so low.
Peculiar Placement of Palin?
The 2008 election has been full of surprises and historical events. The latest was the odd choice of the republican vice presidential candidate, Governor Sarah Palin.
She has been a governor for about two years, and was a mayor of a small town before that. Her experience is not extensive, and very little is known about her except for a few tidbits about her church. She did not fare well in her first TV interviews, and the abundance of uncertain rumors about her has definitely hurt the republican campaign. Does she believe dinosaurs existed? Does she believe you can pray away homosexuality? Did she try to ban books? The election is a month away, and less is known about Sarah Palin then what is known about her. She has not been accessible by the media or by registered voters except under very strict conditions.
Even Hollywood is shocked by McCain’s pick for a candidate. The actor Matt Damon described it as a “bad Disney movie” in referring to the idea that a hockey mom with little political experience is on the verge of becoming the President of the United States. Was the pick for political purposes? Was it to try to take advantage of the uncertain voters that had originally backed Hillary Clinton? Regardless of what motives were behind it, that objective did not work. CNN reported that more men actually support Governor Palin then women do. I think this could definitely be an indication that Palin’s sexual appeal is playing a role in her politics. One could say that she played up on this too, as during the vice presidential debate, she frequently winked at the camera.
Other suspicious changes occurred around the time of the republican vice presidential selection. They adopted a new slogan, “Change is Coming,” which is very similar to democratic candidate Barack Obama’s slogan of “Change” that he has used throughout his campaign. With the addition of Palin too, the republican slogan of John McCain being a “maverick,” was then altered to Palin and McCain are “mavericks.” It was not clearly defined how the term “maverick” was operationalized, but in each presentation by the Republican Party, these one-liners are thrown out in great abundance.
She fared well in the debate against Senator Joe Biden, but it was also notable that she participated in an intensive debate camp the week prior, and read many of her answers off of cue cards in front of her. She avoided questions by distracting them with another subject, although Biden did this too, which is fairly normal in political debates. It was the one-liners and their prevalence that seemed to be the strongest messages Palin offered, not the actual details that explained these messages. “Maverick” was said very frequently, and eventually Biden asked how exactly McCain is a maverick, which she did not answer or explain in any way.
I’m not a republican or a democrat, nor am I trying to force you to vote for a particular candidate. The simple fact of the matter is that there isn’t a whole lot of clarity on who Sarah Palin is or what she stands for. There isn’t an abundance of time for the citizens of the United States to become familiar with the republican vice presidential choice, but all the same, I hope those that support her are doing so because of her stances and substance, not her pretty face.
Peculiar Placement of Palin?
The 2008 election has been full of surprises and historical events. The latest was the odd choice of the republican vice presidential candidate, Governor Sarah Palin.
She has been a governor for about two years, and was a mayor of a small town before that. Her experience is not extensive, and very little is known about her except for a few tidbits about her church. She did not fare well in her first TV interviews, and the abundance of uncertain rumors about her has definitely hurt the republican campaign. Does she believe dinosaurs existed? Does she believe you can pray away homosexuality? Did she try to ban books? The election is a month away, and less is known about Sarah Palin then what is known about her. She has not been accessible by the media or by registered voters except under very strict conditions.
Even Hollywood is shocked by McCain’s pick for a candidate. The actor Matt Damon described it as a “bad Disney movie” in referring to the idea that a hockey mom with little political experience is on the verge of becoming the President of the United States. Was the pick for political purposes? Was it to try to take advantage of the uncertain voters that had originally backed Hillary Clinton? Regardless of what motives were behind it, that objective did not work. CNN reported that more men actually support Governor Palin then women do. I think this could definitely be an indication that Palin’s sexual appeal is playing a role in her politics. One could say that she played up on this too, as during the vice presidential debate, she frequently winked at the camera.
Other suspicious changes occurred around the time of the republican vice presidential selection. They adopted a new slogan, “Change is Coming,” which is very similar to democratic candidate Barack Obama’s slogan of “Change” that he has used throughout his campaign. With the addition of Palin too, the republican slogan of John McCain being a “maverick,” was then altered to Palin and McCain are “mavericks.” It was not clearly defined how the term “maverick” was operationalized, but in each presentation by the Republican Party, these one-liners are thrown out in great abundance.
She fared well in the debate against Senator Joe Biden, but it was also notable that she participated in an intensive debate camp the week prior, and read many of her answers off of cue cards in front of her. She avoided questions by distracting them with another subject, although Biden did this too, which is fairly normal in political debates. It was the one-liners and their prevalence that seemed to be the strongest messages Palin offered, not the actual details that explained these messages. “Maverick” was said very frequently, and eventually Biden asked how exactly McCain is a maverick, which she did not answer or explain in any way.
I’m not a republican or a democrat, nor am I trying to force you to vote for a particular candidate. The simple fact of the matter is that there isn’t a whole lot of clarity on who Sarah Palin is or what she stands for. There isn’t an abundance of time for the citizens of the United States to become familiar with the republican vice presidential choice, but all the same, I hope those that support her are doing so because of her stances and substance, not her pretty face.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Crossing the Line!!
I came home yesterday evening to discover that apparently there was yet another incident at a Sarah Palin rally in Scranton, Pennsylvania. How much l0nger is this going to go on people? The Mc Cain / Palin ticket needs to control themselves before one of their zealots really does get Obama hurt or worse! I'm as much of a supporter of free speech as anyone, but this unthinkable suggestion just plain crosses the line!
Has anyone really stopped to think about the kind of turmoil that an assassination would lead to in this country? Do we really want to find out? I don't, and even the thought of it turns my stomach. Have the wheels come so far off of the "Straight Talk Express" that the only hope of victory that the McCain campaign has left is to advocate the undertaking of a violent act against their opponent?!?!
Keith Olbermann of MSNBC and Foootball Night in America fame handles this political football better than I do. Check out this video from last night's episode of Countdown. It may leave you with something to think about.
Has anyone really stopped to think about the kind of turmoil that an assassination would lead to in this country? Do we really want to find out? I don't, and even the thought of it turns my stomach. Have the wheels come so far off of the "Straight Talk Express" that the only hope of victory that the McCain campaign has left is to advocate the undertaking of a violent act against their opponent?!?!
Keith Olbermann of MSNBC and Foootball Night in America fame handles this political football better than I do. Check out this video from last night's episode of Countdown. It may leave you with something to think about.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Image of the Week

Even for someone like me who enjoys keeping up with the race, it's quite a bit to keep track of. With this in mind, I was listening to the radio while writing this afternoon. The host of the the talkshow often reads e-mails on air, and this one is a gem: "Members of congress should wear uniforms like Nascar drivers... so we can identify who their sponsors are!!" With so much going on, it would certainly make it easier to determine where the candidates are coming from!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Getting Started
I’m new to this whole blogging thing so bear with me until I work the bugs out. I have chosen to write a political blog for this course because I enjoy keeping up with the campaigns. I don’t have a political science degree, or work for one of the candidates. I’m just a concerned citizen who believes that it is very important for all voters to be as informed as possible when making their election day choices. I don’t have all the answers, but maybe through a good discussion we can all learn something. It turns out, that the outcome here in Indiana could be a very important one. No matter who wins history will be made and there is always going to be material to write about. I would like for this blog to be a place where both sides of any issue can be heard
Sometimes when the rumors and accusations begin to fly it can be difficult to sort out the facts. If you need a little help too, check out to help answer your questions. These guys are pretty good at keeping the candidates honest. The closer it gets to election day, the more important those little details become.
If you missed the debate, and don’t have time to sit and watch a cable repeat check out Normally the new political stuff gets up pretty quick. When the President gave his last evening address, my political science class watched it together the following afternoon. Once you’ve seen it, Do you think that Barack Obama knocked one out of the park on Tuesday night, or is John McCain your man? Maybe you’re pulling for Ron Paul, or Bob Barr? Don’t be afraid to let me know what’s on your mind!
Sometimes when the rumors and accusations begin to fly it can be difficult to sort out the facts. If you need a little help too, check out to help answer your questions. These guys are pretty good at keeping the candidates honest. The closer it gets to election day, the more important those little details become.
If you missed the debate, and don’t have time to sit and watch a cable repeat check out Normally the new political stuff gets up pretty quick. When the President gave his last evening address, my political science class watched it together the following afternoon. Once you’ve seen it, Do you think that Barack Obama knocked one out of the park on Tuesday night, or is John McCain your man? Maybe you’re pulling for Ron Paul, or Bob Barr? Don’t be afraid to let me know what’s on your mind!
Favorite Web Sites
‘08 Politix Rox
Post 1-
These are a few of my favorite web sites- Check them out! I am new to the world of blogging even though I have been quite a news junkie for the last few years. I find more often lately that because I’ve been so busy with school that I turn quickly to a news network web site to catch up on the headlines. More the news outlets seem to site reporters for this blog as sources for their “breaking news” I try to gather facts from many sources before making up my mind. The post is likely going to be a site that I begin visiting more often. On one page I see that someone in a crowd at a Sarah Palin rally accused Obama of treason in public. While the candidate at the top of that ticket confirms that he has pulled all campaign resources out of Michigan. The other side can find an article that shows new voter registration is up in both Florida and Ohio the outcome of both states has been key to the outcomes of the last two elections . That appears to be a trens that will hold true in November. the coolest tech gadgets here and see how they stack up against the competition. This may help keep the I want it monster in check and bring it down to the level of- What will an IPHONE really do for me? - Get the details here. Cool Site! Wish I had come up with it!! just broke another story that I have yet to see or hear of anywhere else: A small group of Chinese Muslims detained in Guantanamo Bay prison facilities have been ordered by a federal judge to be released into the US. In custody for seven years, they were cleared of wrong doing and remained in custody since no other country was willing to take them in. This case sets quite a precedent, and it will be an interesting one to keep an eye on.
These are three of the most influential blogs on the internet. After taking a little time to visit each of them I understand why.
Post 1-
These are a few of my favorite web sites- Check them out! I am new to the world of blogging even though I have been quite a news junkie for the last few years. I find more often lately that because I’ve been so busy with school that I turn quickly to a news network web site to catch up on the headlines. More the news outlets seem to site reporters for this blog as sources for their “breaking news” I try to gather facts from many sources before making up my mind. The post is likely going to be a site that I begin visiting more often. On one page I see that someone in a crowd at a Sarah Palin rally accused Obama of treason in public. While the candidate at the top of that ticket confirms that he has pulled all campaign resources out of Michigan. The other side can find an article that shows new voter registration is up in both Florida and Ohio the outcome of both states has been key to the outcomes of the last two elections . That appears to be a trens that will hold true in November. the coolest tech gadgets here and see how they stack up against the competition. This may help keep the I want it monster in check and bring it down to the level of- What will an IPHONE really do for me? - Get the details here. Cool Site! Wish I had come up with it!! just broke another story that I have yet to see or hear of anywhere else: A small group of Chinese Muslims detained in Guantanamo Bay prison facilities have been ordered by a federal judge to be released into the US. In custody for seven years, they were cleared of wrong doing and remained in custody since no other country was willing to take them in. This case sets quite a precedent, and it will be an interesting one to keep an eye on.
These are three of the most influential blogs on the internet. After taking a little time to visit each of them I understand why.
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